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Recommend laptop

2023-07-07 22:42:24 来源:哔哩哔哩

Last weekend, I made a decision that buying a laptop for my son.

So, we have a conversation about how to finding the right one for his needs. we checked the laptop on amazon online store.

at the beginning, we focused on Dell computer. There are 2 size.


One is Dell with i5 cpu and 8GB memory.  It cost $599. 

The other one is i7 cpu and 16GB memory with higher price, $899.

Although the second one has double memory and better cpu than the first one, the price is much higher. Furthermore, the as a grade 8 student, he need not an high performance computer.

And then, the amazon recommended another brand to us -- ACER.

We found that ACER  with i5 cpu and 16G memory is on sale, only costing $597 with the original price $699. 

Furthermore,u the acer looks more more fashion than dell.

Considering that the main purpose for buying a laptop was for study computer program, the i5 cpu is enough. In addition, the price $597 was the cheapest one of the three and was affordable.

Finally we bought the Acer laptop and my son was very satisfied. 


Last weekend, I made the decision to buy a laptop for my son. We had a conversation about finding the right one for his needs and decided to check the laptops on Amazon's online store.

Initially, we focused on Dell computers, which had two different sizes available. The first one had an i5 CPU and 8GB of memory, priced at $599. The second one had an i7 CPU and 16GB of memory, but the price was higher at $899.While the second option had double the memory and a better CPU, the price difference was significant. Additionally, as a grade 8 student, he didn't require a high-performance computer.

However, Amazon then recommended another brand to us: ACER. Wediscovered an ACER laptop with an i5 CPU and 16GB of memoryon sale for only $597, originally priced at$699. Furthermore, the ACER laptop had amore fashionable appearance compared to the Dell laptops.

Considering that the main purpose of buying a laptop was for studying computer programming, we concluded that the i5 CPU would be sufficient. Moreover, the price of $597 was the cheapest amongthe three options and within our budget. Ultimately, we purchased the ACER laptop, and my son was very satisfied with the choice.


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